Food Moxie

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


Saved on 7 projects and calls

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We are in the midst of rebranding our organization, which will include updating our mission statement. As is, it reads like this:

Food Moxie empowers children, youth, and families with the values and knowledge to be healthy, strong, and informed through experiential activities centered on urban agriculture, nutrition, and the cooperative economy.

What We Do

Guided by our belief that access to healthy food should be a right, and driven by a desire to help people take charge of their health through eating, we offer farm, nutrition, and culinary education programs. Highlights include Hope Farm, the only public school-based horticultural therapy program in Philadelphia for students with autism and intellectual disabilities; Hope Garden, located at an emergency housing facility for families experiencing homelessness, and the site of Garden Club, our program for children and youth, as well as the source of thousands of pounds of fresh produce donations to the shelter kitchen; Hope Kitchen, our budget shopping, nutrition, and culinary program for parents experiencing homelessness; and our partnership with W.B. Saul High School, the largest of only two remaining urban agricultural schools in the country, in which we partner with teachers to get students away from their desks and onto a farm and also run an out-of-school-time program.


Kim F.
Volunteer manager