College Ready Now

place Nashville, Tennessee, USA
language https://collegereadynashville.or…


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Founded in 2009 College Ready Now(r) (CRN) provides college scholarships to high school seniors from underserved communities in Nashville to help make their first year of college affordable. We specifically target African American and Latino students who are attending either a Historically Black Colleges, a Hispanic Serving Institutions or are DACA students.

Many academically talented students who live in under resourced communities qualify for financial aid, work study, subsidized loans, and grants; however, there is most often a gap in their first-year college finances that they cannot close. CRN seeks to help close that gap.

CRN is an all-volunteer organization. 100% of the funds contributed are used to fund scholarships. Funds for operational expenses are donated and not comingled with scholarship funds. Ready Now(r) (CRN) identifies underserved high school seniors in low income communities who are in need of financial support to make their first year of college affordable. Once enrolled in college, CRN will continue to support scholarship recipients through a mentoring program until college graduation.

What We Do

We award scholarships to deserving Nashville students.


Lynise H
Lynise H.
Executive Director