Gilroy Foundation

place Gilroy, California, USA


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Our mission is to invest charitable gifts into a lasting legacy and mobilize funding to serve the vital needs of the Gilroy community.
Our vision is to mobilize public and private financial support in order to grow the endowment and facilitate pass-through funding, thereby increasing grant giving.
Our goal is to become widely known as Gilroy’s foremost charity and problem-solving resource.
Our desire is to foster unity and cooperation between the Foundation and other grant-giving organizations.
Our intent is to provide expertise to other groups in need.
Our heart lies in allowing philanthropy to occur that can make a real difference in people’s lives.

What We Do

The Gilroy Foundation was founded in 1980 to help meet the needs of the community in the specific areas of Health, Education, Recreation, Technology, Culture and Civic Services. The concept is simple. The Foundation provides a way for individuals, families and corporations who share a common commitment to the future prosperity and well-being of the community to come together to build an endowment that will last in perpetuity. The Gilroy Foundation currently has assets of over $12 million.

The Gilroy Foundation awards annual grants to non-profit organizations that provide vital programs and services to meet the ever-changing needs of the community. The Foundation also awards scholarships to local students in high school, college, or vocational schools.

The Gilroy Foundation also serves the Gilroy community by providing funding of Special Projects as well as assisting groups in establishing their own nonprofit status.

The Gilroy Foundation is governed by a Board of eleven local community leaders and advised by an Emeritus Board and the Ambassadors of the Gilroy Foundation. The Gilroy Foundation is affiliated with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF), the nation’s largest community foundation with over $8 billion in assets. SVCF also provides legal and financial assistance to our Board of Directors and donors.

The Gilroy Foundation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation designated by the I.R.S. as 501(c)(3). All donations are tax-deductible (Federal Tax ID #94-2719281).


Donna P.
Executive Director
Vicki C.
Director of Development
Jaclyn M
Jaclyn M.
Volunteer manager