Green Card Voices

place Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Saved on 22 projects and calls

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Green Card Voices is a non-profit organization that records and shares first person narratives of America's immigrants. We work to facilitate a better understanding between immigrant and non-immigrant communities through the art of storytelling.
Our dynamic, multimedia materials are designed to empower a variety of educational institutions, community groups and individuals alike to acquire first-person perspectives about immigrants' lives, increasing the appreciation of the immigrant experience in America.

What We Do

We're traveling the country and listening to those with the courage to share their journey, documenting each story in an authentic and unbiased way. America has 43 million immigrants, and Green Card Voices works to share their diverse stories and experiences, to show the incredible breadth of the immigrant population. Once recorded, these stories are shared via our website and social media platforms, as well as in books and traveling exhibits.

Immigrants have played a vital role at each turn in our nation's history, and they continue to do so today. By sharing these stories, we can instill a sense of pride in our nation's immigrant population and thank them for all of their contributions.


Tea R
Tea R.
CoFounder and Executive Director
Shiney H.
Graphic Designer
Jessie L.
Program Associate