Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids

place Hockessin, Delaware, USA
language https://www.healthyfoodsforhealt…


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Our mission is to inspire healthier lives by providing youth with joyful school gardening experiences and opportunities to eat the garden-fresh vegetables they've grown.

Our vision is a vegetable garden in every school, leading to generations of healthy families throughout Delaware.

What We Do

Healthy Foods for Healthy Kids mission is to inspire healthier lives by providing Delaware youth with joyful school gardening experiences and opportunities to eat the garden-fresh vegetables they've grown. We provide sustainable gardens in schools where all students participate in garden-related science curriculum. HFHK's program contributes to healthy eating habits, which in turn prevents medical conditions such as obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease.


Lydia S
Lydia S.
Executive Director
Lindsay L.
Development Director & Program Manager