Independence Historical Trust

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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Independence Historical Trust, a 501(c) 3, is the official philanthropic partner of Independence National Historical Park, the national park that protects, preserves and interprets Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and the 54 plus historical acres located in the City of Philadelphia.

As an independent charitable organization, we work with the National Park Service to support preservation and conservation projects, enhance education and public engagement, and protect the national treasures of the park for future generations.

What We Do

The Independence Historical Trust (formerly Friends of Independence NHP) was created in 1972 and is the first Friends group in the National Park Service. Over our long history we have purchased or acquired over 1,000 artifacts for the park's permanent collections, fund-raised for large public spaces in the park and provided educational tours and programs to visitors and locals alike.


Natasha C
Natasha C.
Development and Communications Coordinator
Maiti G.
Director of Operations
Jonathan B
Jonathan B.
Director of Development