Inis Nua Theatre Company

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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Inis Nua Theatre Company's mission is to produce contemporary, provocative plays from Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales which reflect those cultures in today's world. Translated from the Irish language, Inis Nua means "new island."

What We Do

Inis Nua produces a three-show mainstage season with each show running for three weeks and 15 performances. Our mainstage plays highlight the best in contemporary Irish and British theatre. Each play includes two post-show talks (The Takeaway) that either give insight into the creative process behind the production or highlight the work of a community partner, giving voice to experts in their field, who are able to put the production into context.
We also produce a "Pop-up Play in a Pub" for six performances (drawing on the popular tradition of pub theatre in Ireland and the UK). The season also includes a free reading series of three plays that highlight a topic we feel is relevant and current in Philadelphia, including topics such as Medicine in Modern Life and Unheard Women's Voices. The reading series offers varied points of view on current political or social concerns affecting life in both the US and British Isles.


Tom R.
Founder and Artistic Director
Patricia T
Patricia T.
Development Associate
Claire M.
Associate Director and Literary Manager