Inner Strength Education

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
language http://www.innerstrengtheducatio…


Saved on 36 projects and calls

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We cultivate the minds, hearts, and actions of youth through mindfulness and a developmental perspective on life.

Our vision is of a world in which all young people are supported to realize their higher potentials and create a world of beauty and benefit to all.

What We Do

We provide educational tools and programs to both students and teachers/administrators that broadens teens perspectives on life, enhance their sense of possibility, and ground them in an experiential understanding of higher human potential. We also work with teachers and administrators to support them in understanding and managing secondary stress.

These new skills directly contribute to positive outcomes including: improved school attendance, increase in focus, stress reduction, decreased psychological issues, and increases in curiosity and joy.


Amy E
Amy E.
Founder & Executive Director
Alyson S
Alyson S.
Grant Proposals Manager
Mel K.
Project Manger