Kaizen Food Rescue

place Englewood, Colorado, USA
language http://www.kaizenfoodrescue.org


Saved on 23 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


According to the National Resources Defense Council, 40% of the food supply in the U.S. is wasted, which works out to more than 20 pounds of food per person per month, (NRDC, 2017). To combat this adversity, Kaizen Food Rescue aims Kaizen Food Share aims to prevent food waste and improve food justice and health equity in communities facing food apartheid.

What We Do

Kaizen Food Rescue combats food waste by collecting surplus edible food from food banks, businesses, and farms, redirecting it to communities facing food insecurity. We also support local farmers through grant-funded purchases. Through partnerships and community efforts, we distribute this food to our culturally responsive mobile food pantries, schools, and under-resourced communities. Additionally, we offer nutrition and garden education, advocacy, and development workshops to promote sustainable practices. To date, we've shared over 14 million pounds of food with hundreds of thousands of people across 100+ zip codes.


Thai N
Thai N.
Founder + Executive Director
Nathan R.
Grant Writer