place Oakland, California, USA


Saved on 42 projects and calls

This is the total value we've estimated for all projects matched. Learn more about how we calculate project savings.


Like most large cities, Oakland is facing a crisis of epic proportions. The young males of the community have been neglected as society's castoffs. At a vastly disproportionate rate, they are unemployed/under-employed, living below the poverty level, uneducated, incarcerated and often prisoners within their own neighborhoods, which can resemble warzones. They are overwhelmingly the product of single-mother homes, with little to no guidance and a remarked lack of adult male role models to provide good examples and much needed firm, but caring, discipline. These young men are in desperate need of social and spiritual intervention. There is a void in their lives. If left unattended, it WILL be filled by the streets. Man 2 Man Ministry was created to rescue them from this downward spiral and help fill the void in their lives with positive experiences and hope.

What We Do

Man 2 Man - Urban Youth Advocate is a collection of recovery, intervention and educational programs for men that are delivered by men. Man 2 Man - UYA mentors young adult men of all ethnicities between the ages of 10 and 24. The program provides life skills that will help and enhance personal development.


Stewart P
Stewart P.
Executive Director
jonnique c
jonnique c.
Secretary /Board Member/Event Planning PM