Midland County Cancer Society. DBA - Cancer Services

place Midland, Michigan, USA
language http://www.cancerservicesmidland…


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Cancer Services provides personal and compassionate support to cancer patients and caregivers in our community.

What We Do

We provide support for urgent non-medical needs while people are fighting cancer such as financial aid for rent, mortgage, taxes, car repair, utility bills etc. We also provide transportation to treatment, support groups, private counseling, caregiver support, wellness classes, wigs, prosthesis, adult briefs, food supplements and much more. All of our services are free. Our annual budget is 700k+, we are a small staff of 5 but have 150 local volunteers to help us assist our 500+ clients.


Julie N.
Executive Director
Eliana R
Eliana R.
Office Manager (She/Her/Hers)
Elli T.
Volunteer manager