Oahu Invasive Species Committee

place Kailua, Hawaii, USA
language www.oahuisc.org


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To Protect O'ahu from invasive species that harm the environment, economy, agriculture, public health and quality of life on Oahu.

What We Do

OISC fills an important function in invasive species management. OISC surveys for and removes invasive species before they move into intact native forest begin to cause damage. Although the crew spends most of their time in the lower-altitude highly disturbed forests of O‘ahu, we are able to protect vast areas of native forest with few resources. OISC also works island-wide, to educate and involve the public to help stop the spread of invasive species.


Rachel N.
Volunteer manager
Erin B
Erin B.
Outreach Specialist
Jamie M
Jamie M.
Outreach and Education Associate