Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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Founded in 2010, PLSE seeks a more equitable social environment for those with criminal records through individual representation, strategic litigation, community education, research, and legislative advocacy. PLSE provides free legal representation to lower income people whose criminal records are holding them back from achieving their potential as productive citizens by seeking expungements in criminal court, pardons from the Governor, educating elected and community leaders, and empowering under-resourced communities to seek a greater voice and needed legislative reforms.

What We Do

We are deeply engaged in the areas of criminal history records and the damage they cause, obtaining expungements (erasure) of non-conviction data through representation in court, and redefining pardons as both an attack on inter-generational poverty and a no-cost economic development initiative in low-income/high-arrest neighborhoods.


Tobey O.
Interim Executive Director
Katherine Z
Katherine Z.
Director of Communications and Outreach
Zane J.
Managing Attorney