Project C.L.A.S.S.Y.

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA


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Project C.L.A.S.S.Y. is an organization dedicated to empowering and supporting young women, between the ages of 8-18 to gain leadership skills, build confidence, and discover paths for success through after-school enrichment and community initiatives.

What We Do


Since its launch in 2010, Project C.L.A.S.S.Y. has assisted more than 200 young women who have completed more than 6,000 hours of mentorship and community service and has partnered with more than 400 volunteers and corporate partners in the greater Philadelphia area.


By creating and providing a safe space for our girls they grow and become comfortable meeting and bonding with our mentors and other mentees in the Project C.L.A.S.S.Y. program. During community service events, program workshops, one on one, and group mentoring our girls come to confidently voice their experience and embrace their identities and community in order to grow socially and in our program to see themselves as future leaders in society.

A mentoring relationship between our mentors and our program mentees encourages them to break through stereotypes to become the leaders our communities need. Through our mentorship framework, we provide young women with the opportunity to spend time with a caring, supportive woman invested in their success. Young women in urban areas need more of this type of support.

"Mentoring provides meaningful connections that impact the people involved and influence their lives at home, at work, and in their communities. For those who are being mentored, it is linked to improved academic, social, and economic prospects. For those who are mentoring, the relationship can build leadership and management skills, expand a mentor's professional network, and provide an empowering opportunity to give back to the community."


By creating and providing a safe space for our girls, they become comfortable with interacting with our mentors and peers throughout our program. Throughout our community service events, program workshops, one-on-one and group mentoring, our girls gain the confidence to voice their ideas and opinions. In our program, students are encouraged to discover and embrace who they are, where they come from, and their true leadership potential.


Jade G
Jade G.
Jade G.
Volunteer manager