Redwood City Parks and Arts Foundation

place Redwood City, California, USA


Saved on 13 projects and calls

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To advocate, advance, and develop support for parks, recreational programming, community services, cultural activities, and the arts in Redwood City and surrounding unincorporated areas.

What We Do

The foundation's annual programs include: Bucket Brigade at Music on the Square, Chalk Festival, Open Paint, Family Campout, and Picnic en Blanc. We co-host Oktoberfest and the Salsa Festival. We provide fiscal support for: Zoppe Circus and Putt'n Around. We serve as the fiscal sponsor for local projects such as: Run with the Cops, Neighbor film project, Before Our Very Eyes human trafficking awareness campaign, the City of Redwood City's 150th Celebration Committee, OYE Latinx annual conference. We sponsor other events such as: Art on the Square, Art in the Park, Dia de los Muertos, and Sequoia Art Group Annual Art Show.


Pamela E
Pamela E.
President of the board