SHOWAbility (formerly ABEL 2, Inc.)

place Atlanta, Georgia, USA


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SHOWAbility (formerly ABEL 2) uses Music and Performing Arts as our platform for Empowerment (Advocacy), Education, Enjoyment and Employment. Our north star is to become the Paralympics/Special Olympics of the Arts and Entertainment Industries.

Our mission is to Enhance the Quality of Life of People with Disabilities and the Under-served by Creating Music and Arts opportunities for Employment and Enjoyment!

What We Do

People with Disabilities represent the largest MINORITY group in America (64 Million people with disabilities - 20% USA population and 1.3 Billion people with disabilities worldwide)...and is the only minority group that anyone can join at any time.

SHOWAbility is for people with visible and invisible disabilities and the supportive people who love them. SHOWAbility is the ally that uplifts the gifts of people with disabilities to be valued and enjoyed by the world without limitations or barriers. In a visible, catchy, and fun-loving way, all of SHOWAbility programming seeks to increase awareness and visibility for the talents and capabilities of people with disabilities so they can pursue their dream to shine on stage while being valued for their uniqueness. SHOWAbility is on the leading edge, initiating unique change by fearlessly creating programming that "values differences", "enjoys similarities", and "embraces oneness" of all people without being patronizing. All are seen as able and not unable, broken, or sick.

Our programs offerings are:
* Monthly Virtual Artistic Masterclasses that offer performing arts training program for an inclusive audience of artists and enthusiasts with and without disabilities.

In-Person (once things open-up)
* Statewide Talent Show seeking talented stage performers across the disability spectrum
* The INCLUSIVE CHORUS, made up of singers with and without disabilities
* Disability Awareness Career Day at elementary schools featuring professionals with disabilities
Currently being curated
* Advocacy for accessibility and inclusion in arts theatres and performance venues
* Booking agency for artists with disabilities seeking opportunities for Film/TV and stage.


Myrna C
Myrna C.
Executive Director