Sow Good Now

place Newtown Square, Pennsylvania, USA


Saved on 9 projects and calls

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Sow Good Now's Mission, Vision & Culture.
Mission: Engage and empower young athletes to share their time, talent, and treasure through the sports they love to benefit youth, communities and revolutionize the philanthropic world.
Sow Good Now fulfills their mission by:
* TEACHING PHILANTHROPY by offering opportunities for service learning through sports
* BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS IN DIVERSE COMMUNITIES and partnering with their leaders and the causes they support
* INSPIRING ATHLETES TO CONNECT WITH THEIR PASSION by engaging them in a lifelong practice of giving and sharing with a spirit of generosity
Vision: Growing the next generation of philanthropic athletes

What We Do

Founded in July of 2018 by three mothers who are former collegiate athletes and who have raised athletes, SGN is a 501c3 non-profit that utilizes organized youth sporting activities as a platform for philanthropic education and inspiration. High performing, high character athletes engage younger athletes in ways they can practice sharing their time talent and treasures. SGN partners donors with sports teams and non-profits to increase community collaboration and more intentional giving. The founders believe that everyone has unique gifts to offer the world and they created the SGN GiveBack Model as a space for those gifts to be shared. By bringing diverse community members together through the sports they love and integrating a spirit of generosity with active volunteerism and participatory grant making, a new and inclusive ecosystem of philanthropic giving is established. The SGN GiveBack model transforms the individual athlete by inspiring passion, providing philanthropic education


Mary F
Mary F.
President and Co-Founder
Amy B.
Volunteer manager