Sunday Suppers

place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
language https://www.sundaysuppersphilly.…


Saved on 6 projects and calls

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Sunday Suppers uses food, education, and community-building to strengthen the health and well-being of families experiencing poverty and food insecurity. The organization's centerpiece is healthy meals served in a restaurant-like setting, nourishing families in an open-hearted, respectful manner. In addition to
expanding food access, Sunday Suppers amplifies the benefits of the weekly dinners with complementary programs:

* culinary, nutrition, and wellness education
* providing home kitchen equipment
* peer leadership training
* gardening program

Sunday Suppers' creates a safe, supportive community, maximizing program impact while addressing the connections between food, health, and environment.


Linda S
Linda S.
Volunteer manager
Marcea D
Marcea D.
Volunteer manager
Steven S
Steven S.