Synchronicity Theatre

place Atlanta, Georgia, USA


Saved on 9 projects and calls

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Synchronicity Theatre produces smart, gutsy and bold theatre to spark community connections and uplift the voices of women and girls.

What We Do

Each year we produce five shows on our intimate Midtown Atlanta stage, 3 in our Bold Voices series and 2 in our Family Series. Our plays are smart, gutsy and bold and each project has a community engagement aspect, so that the play becomes a spark for broader community dialogue and bridge-building.

Each year we also present our award-winning Playmaking for Girls program with girls in the juvenile justice, group homes and refugee communities. We run after-school programs and camps for kids age 4-15 in our Playmaking for Kids program, and we tour our Family Series shows around the southeast.

Synchronicity is committed to women's voices and new work. Each year we produce at least one world premiere, and 85% of our plays are written by women. Every two years we present SheWrites, a new play festival for female playwrights.

Synchronicity operates an intimate, high-quality theatre venue in the heart of Midtown Atlanta.


Dalyla M
Dalyla M.
Development Director
Rachel M.
Producing Artistic Director
Rachel M
Rachel M.
Producing Artistic Director