Ubuntu Community Catalyst, Inc.

place Atlanta, Georgia, USA
language http://ubuntucommunitycatalyst.o…


Saved on 30 projects and calls

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UCC's mission is to co-create a sustainable community impact platform for all community stakeholders, by building collective agency and social capital to ensure a healthy, thriving, and vibrant community for all.

What We Do

UCC seeks to introduce a people-centered community economic development initiative that provides community-based intervention strategies at the saturation point. We believe that through collective action, we can increase and more efficiently deliver services and resources. Thus, reducing the effects of poverty that has exacerbated existing stressors (such as housing and job losses, behavioral/mental health, and environmental issues) on families, individuals, and communities. We provide technical assistance, training, and capacity building for individuals, families, and key stakeholders. Additionally, promote advantages of innovative learning opportunities that create entrepreneurship options for youth and adults while greatly benefiting under-served communities in need.


Mary W
Mary W.
Sir Jose B
Sir Jose B.
Board Chair
David G.